These phrases one should never say to their boss

You might have been working hard to get a job and you are probably looking for growth. On top of presentations, sales reports and...


Your resume was good enough to get you selected on an interview, but still they rejected you. Why? Sometimes, your answers do not satisfy...

How to Realistically Deal When Nobody Listens to You at Work

Suppose you are in a team meeting, planning out for the resolution of an issue which everyone had been continually battling with. "What if...

These Deep learning Tips No one ever Taught You!

Leonardo Da Vinci, Thomas Alva Edison, Wright Brothers, James Watt, Ernest Hemingway, And Rabindranath Tagore are people who we always remember, but do you...

7 Reasons Why Getting Fired From Job Is Good For You

Life has many twists and turns, and nothing is assured – a lesson is well learned when we lose a job. Getting fired from...

Here Are Three Reasons Why A Summer Internship At A Startup...

Summer is the most popular season for internships among the students. Interested students are already on the lookout for good internships for the long...

6 Nitty-Gritty Things In Life Which You Must Consider In Order...

We skip on a lot of things that we must take care of and sometimes they're important. Nitty and gritty things in life sometimes define our...

Here Are Some Tips To Become Better At Self-Promotion

Self-promotion is essential today as personal branding is emphasized, encouraged, and executed. If one has to stand out in a crowd of people or...

Learn the Life Purpose of the Most Successful People

Everyone knows that success isn’t easy to attain and yet many run the path to reach success. But in order to do that, we...

Find Your True Calling: The Right Career Path

Calling is something that you feel surprisingly comfortable doing. It is something you were meant to do and gives you bliss. It feels like...

Know How To Answer When You’re Asked What Makes You Better...

Seeking a job in today’s world can be a difficult task. There are so many worthy candidates and so fewer jobs. Therefore, it becomes...

It’s Important That The First Hires In Your Startup Are Women,...

Company culture develops really early. It's exponentially more difficult to alter culture after you've scaled than it is to hire for diversity at the...

Some Common mistakes over which even smart people lose their jobs

Can you guess why smart people don’t realize that they are going to be fired? Possibly they were doing an excellent job and because...

A fool proof guide to Ace a Telephonic interview

When any interview has to be held on a call then this is called a Telephonic Interview. These are conducted by managers and is...

Signs That Imply That You’re About To Take A Bad Career...

In our everyday life, we are faced with many choices from waking up to getting back to sleep. Most of them are not of...