Here Are Some Tips To Leave Your Job On Good Terms


Share a positive narrative that explains why you’re leaving

It’s tempting to use the period when you’re transitioning out of your company to vent your frustrations and disclose the disappointments that led you to your decision.

Instead, without criticizing your current employer, share a narrative that acknowledges the positive aspects of your experience at the company you’re leaving, and highlights the reasons how your next move will help you reach your longer-term career goals.

Don’t bad-mouth your manager or anyone else

Resigning does not give someone the license to criticize the people they’ve been reporting to. This is especially fraught with risk because it’s the manager, or the manager’s manager, who is likely to be asked for a reference when the person is looking for a job in the future.

Don’t intentionally exclude people you worked with in your farewell notes
Your colleagues are smart. They’ll read between the lines. Don’t intentionally leave names out of your farewell notes out of spite. Rise above that and include those who worked with you, even if your interactions with them were not always of the positive sort.