Here Are Few Ways To Know If Someone Is Suffering From Depression


Depression is a silent killer. People are ashamed or afraid to seek out help, hence they go on with their lives and suffer in secret. However, there are still small habits that these individuals will do when they enter a depressive episode.


Every year, depression affects more and more people across the world. Mental health is starting to get the recognition that it deserves, but there is still a lot more to be done.

Some don’t seek help because they feel it’s not a serious issue. Others see it as a sense of weakness; they think that asking for help means they can’t deal with their own problems.

This is why it’s essential for friends and family to be able to spot certain habits or signs of depression.

Knowing the habits does not necessarily mean that the individual will open up, but it will definitely show them that they have people around them who are aware of the changes they’re going through and are always there to help.

Below are the top habits someone with depression will develop and go through.

ALSO READ: Overcome Depression Using 4 Simple Ways

Not willing to leave the room/house

It’s common for those suffering from depression do not want to leave their rooms or their houses. They want to sit in a corner and want to lament about their distress. They do not want anyone bothering them.


Giving up on life

Some people will completely give up on life due to depression. They believe that they have sunk so low that there is no coming back from it. They may ignore calls, stop showing up to work, stop going to school, not pay bills, the list goes on.

Severe sleep disorders

People will pretend that they’re sleeping so no one will bother them, but they end up staying up all night and struggle to fall asleep because their mind is constantly racing with negative thoughts. Again, there are some who will sleep constantly due to depression. They will get home from school/work, lay on the couch and sleep until someone either feed them or tells them to go to their room and sleep.