This Is The Right Time For Indian Startups To Tap The International Market, Know Why


Indian startups are no longer confined to India. They are toiling their time and resources in replicating the Silicon Valley startup culture. Instead, it’s about venturing into the Silicon Valley and conquering the international market. More and more young entrepreneurs are able to look at the ‘bigger picture’ and making their startups international. 

They have a comprehensive understanding of the global startup ecosystem. Things have really changed in the last one decade. Startups up like Zomato, Practo, and Wittyfeed have not only crossed the Indian borders and explored the international market but also witnessed a significant amount of success. 

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Here are few reasons why Indian Startups must tap the global market:

The Positive ‘Hurdles” On Your Way:

The culture barrier is one of the most prominent problems that most of the young entrepreneurs face. It is important to carefully analyze the government policies, the market, the customer base, before taking their startup to an outside country. 

Setting out on a less traveled road comes with a fair number of advantages as well. The governments of many countries like Dubai and Estonia provide some initial funding to the startups. They also help with the residency permit and the office spaces.

The refined and technologically enhanced market often helps the startups to evolve their product and appropriate it for the international market and the big clients.

The Problem Solving Attitude:

Many young entrepreneurs are highly ambitious and dynamite. They have tons of experience working in foreign countries and have given up their secure and successful careers to achieve their ‘startup’ dream. 

They have a great understanding of the International market and the Indian startup ecosystem. Their ‘Indianness’ comes as a great help to homogenize their startup and tailor their startups to the international market.

The Customer Base:

The huge customer base and its sheer diversity are perhaps one of the most unique features of India that separates it from the other startup breeding countries. Successful Indian startups which can cater to the extremely heterogeneous Indian market are very well capable of achieving the same results in the international market. 

In the end, all the young startups must have a detailed and practical understanding of the international market before taking their startup to any country.

First, it is important to build a strong business in India, study the international market carefully, modify their products/services accordingly and finally set forth to taste global success

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