WhatsApp Introduces Green Badges and Yellow Messages for Selected Profiles! (But Why?)


In coming few days, you might notice some WhatsApp accounts coming up with green batches.

Don’t worry! It is a welcome move by WhatsApp to ensure your safety. 

WhatsApp Inc. has included this new feature in its new update which is rather an attempt to differentiate the genuine business accounts from the nonverfied ones.

But why they suddenly felt going the Twitter way to verify businesses?

The answer is simple:

Almost everyone is on WhatsApp today.

Right from a chai-walla to a business tycoon, everybody has one account on this IM platform.

So, the company has taken this step to ensure secured messaging across the platform.

As there are many accounts who make fake business claims or impersonate a company to fraud the other party over WhatsApp, this feature will extend help to the users in knowing the potentially fraudulent business accounts and share things with those profiles accordingly.

According to WhatsApp,

DUE TO a MASSIVE ACTIVE USER BASE, There are several accounts from real time businesses, on whatsapp.

But unfortunately, some groups or individuals misuse this liberty to cheat people by impersonating or faking their identity.

So, to manage this gap, WhatsApp is exploring ways for its users to make them communicate with the businesses THAT, to THEM, matter the most.

WhatsApp has further declared that it has already verified some of the major businesses and people will get to see a green badge next to the contact’s name if it has been verified as a genuine business account. And, any message from a verified business contact will be yellow in color.