The Ultimate Mantra for Perfect Beard Maintenance


It is an affirmation of manliness. Beard separates men from boys. When you choose to fully grow a beard it suggests that you are confident in being a manly man.

Here is the ultimate mantra for any man that seeks it for perfect beard maintenance.



Growing a beard takes a lot of commitment and so you should start thinking why you should not grow a beard? Shaving is basically a norm, however, keeping a full grown beard is an exception. You need to decide with a lot of contemplation and then settle for it because if you hastily choose to start growing beard you might end up backing down on second thoughts.

ALSO READ: Why Are Beards So Attractive

It is not easy and for maintaining a full-grown beard may be a full-time duty which is why commitment is fundamental. It also helps to have a bearded role model for inspiration.


beard growing

Totally stop shaving when you are trying to grow a beard for the first three weeks. This is because you will be left with very little to experiment if you don’t wait and cut off your hair more than you wanted to. You can shape the beard after four weeks. Ideally, you should start defining the neckline along the bottom of your beard around the neck.

ALSO READ: How to Take Care of Your Beard

It would be best to get it done by a stylist or barber. In case you experience itching, clean your skin with daily shampoo and condition occasionally. To avoid the itch you can also try applying baby oil. It will relieve you effectively. However, don’t forget to stay committed.


Maintaining your beard is an absolute challenge. If you cannot trust or find a barber to trim your beard then you should invest in a beard trimmer and try to learn to use it. Most men find the trimming process to be less time consuming, than shaving.

The skin that is beneath the facial hair has a high tendency of going dry. And so it is best to use a mild beard conditioner as well with your mild shampoo. This helps the skin to remain hydrated, clean and soften the hair and give a refreshing scent.

ALSO READ: Legit Scientific Reasons That Beards Make Men Look More Handsome and Healthier