Uber Has Changed its Logo. Know How It Looks


Have you anytime got this feeling similar to one that you get whenever you visit an art museum and try hard to understand those abstract paintings? Now you can have that every single time you look at your phone screen, courtesy of Uber.

This ride-hailing startup has ditched its plain U-logo in favor of the curious design for its current application those look like an ink blot for the corporate ambitions.

The logo change has occurred when Uber’s pricing goes too high latest to $62 billion and its ambitions drive them into countries and the product categories. Uber has also expanded its courier delivery services to new retail partners like Nordstrom and also has plans of releasing the standalone food delivery application this blackberry winter.

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Have you ever looked at someone’s hairstyle and thought ‘oh my, you peaked in the 1990s?‘” Travis Kalanick, Uber’s CEO and cofounder, wrote in a kind of Mean Girls-y start to his blog post announcing the new branding. “Well that’s a bit how I feel about Uber’s look today.” Got it. Uber’s old look: not fetch.


Is it a confused and bloated U? A drunk Pacman? A copy of a mouse pad on sale at the newly rebooted Circuit City? No, it’s… even more confusing than that.

Here’s the paraphrased explanation from an Uber spokesperson we spoke with: The square center of the logo symbolizes the technology itself; the lines beyond that symbolize the service rendered.

So in the app that customers see (below, left), there is a single line representing the passenger’s journey in the Uber car. 

In the version of the app for drivers (below, right), there are two lines, representing the process of picking up and dropping off passengers at multiple points.

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