Single Girl’s Resolution for 2018 Who’s Looking for Love


A year has flown by and now we are in 2018 and another year of promising ourselves new year new me. However, every year is a new opportunity and so yes you need to perceive things with a fresh look even in the love part of your life.

If you are a single girl waiting for the cupid’s arrow to finally hit you this year here are some resolutions you need to take.

Get over him already

Stop stalking your ex’s social media it is like the vortex of stalking them. Why do you care if he is happy without you or how is he doing without you? Has he already moved on or not we are focusing on ourselves this year. Okay? A clean slate because you cant really accept a new love if you are harboring an old one.

Don’t stick to your checklist

Every girl has a checklist, he should be tall, with a good sense of humor, should have a great beard and so on. Maybe this checklist is the reason you are unable to find love. Be open to possibilities and maybe the universe has its way of surprising us.

Try out new places or things

It’s a new year so you can start with making a resolution of hitting up new places to hang out or sign up for some hobby class. Creative writing, baking or dancing. If you put yourself out there you have high chances of finding the right one.

Love yourself

Be more accepting of yourself. To love someone else better you need to love yourself first. May be involved in activities that make you more self-aware. Maintain a journal go for solo travel and become comfortable with yourself. Also, get into a relationship because you want to not because of there’s a void in your life you want to fill.

Don’t give in to pressure

We know its hard to be single. Especially when people around you are oh so in love. Or maybe when the family pressurizes you talking about marriage and stuff. But you should set your priorities right. Don’t get into temporary relationships just for the sake of not being alone. It is a vicious cycle.