Making It Big In Cyber Security: Shashank Chourey, Who Established An Empire Worth INR 5 Crores Out Of A Working Capital Worth INR 5000


For most of us, this is one stereotypical way to rise that a teenager computer addict becomes a hacker, then drops his college and becomes technopreneur.

But this cliche is distinctly evident in the nationality of the preeminent persona of this story. Where in the US this phenomenon has been the success stories for Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg in India, being a hacker and a dropout is not considered frequent components for success.

But the Indore boy Shashank Chourey has a success story even more twirling than his hair.

Shanshank addresses tp a simple Indore-based Brahmin family. The urban essence of
this industrial capital of Madhya Pradesh is not suitable for tech ventures. And quite conventionally, this family had a dream like millions other Indian families- “Mera Beta Engineer Banega”.

And Shashank too fell in love with computers as soon as he got his hands on the machine for the first time.

Shashank would sit all the night to play video games. He’d bunk his school and exams on
several occasions.

And eventually, he got addicted to hacking, cracking and coding. He also made similar friends online and soon found a job that would pay him $50 to hack an email account.

Shashank continued this in the first year of his engineering. He hacked into more than 40 Indian government websites and more than 100 big corporate websites .

They involved NTPC tenders, the Delhi Government social site and many such others.

Additionally, he trailed viruses and vulnerabilities, drafted algorithms and worked as a
cyber security specialist with Indore Police. He was also operating as an Internet Security
Expert on the IRC (Internet relay Chat) network.

Soon the college became less appealing to Shashank so he voluntarily dropped out of college in his second year.

But, a college dropout with a significant knowledge of internet security, this premise in his resume did not promise any sway in India.

But as he was too eager to make a career in this genre of computation, Shashank determined to become a web security consultant.

He thought that this will give him the required frostbite to corporate culture and also add that additional bit of background to his resume.

He got the best job that he could have got in Indore at that time. He would hack into the website of the clients of his employer and sell them their services. This produced additional revenue to his employer. He worked in the same company for one and half year, got three
promotions and quit the job as a project manager when got a better opportunity. But
this step proved too risky and he never got a salary with the new company. When he
quit the that he only had INR 5000 with him in the name of working capital.

The same day Shashank decided to work online and make money. He got a data entry
assignment of $18 the same day. He would spend days and nights working on his
Pentium 3 desktop PC, the only goal was to make enough money for a startup project.
A month of hard work made money for Shashank and he bought additional PC and
had few friends to work with him. His friend were the one with whom he would have
completed his engineering.

His friends forthwith dropped him for better jobs but by then he had sound substantiation.

In October 2009, he commenced India Info-tech with a small team and small investment.  He apprehended that he has to work in the service industry as atonement product would have required big money and infrastructure.

Shashank worked on SEO services and made his own unique process ow which enabled him to handle large assignments simultaneously. His managerial intelligence and planning underpinned the newly-formed small team in completing important projects.

He strived hard to make sure that their clients sojourned with them. And, after 5 years, in February 2014, Shashank was making Rs. 5 crore a year.

And, Shashank’s story teaches us that success is always a choice. It won’t come unless you opt for it and work hard to keep it safe.