Did You Know About Nutella Dying and Its Beautiful Results


Well, apparently Nutella dying is all over the internet! A hair stylist in Dubai’s salon had been experimenting with Nutella who found out that it is great to use the chocolaty spread for dying hair to get the light brunette hair color. Now you are wondering how a sweet delicious chocolate spread could end up becoming a hair dye? Here’s the story!

Everybody knows Nutella as a spread made up of hazelnut, cocoa along with few other ingredients. Everybody loves the sight of Nutella being spread over their pancakes or toasts. Moreover, all love to devour the pleasant chocolate spread (on something or simply a spoonful alone of it!) But after the hair dying phenomenon one found out about its benefits to the hair.

So the person responsible for it is Abed Allahitani, the hair stylist at Abed & Samer salon in Dubai who prepares this blend of Nutella and condensed milk to be applied on the hair for the perfect caramel brown color. Huda Kattan, a beauty blogger shared a video on her Instagram as a blonde lady was being treated by the delicious spread on her hair with a drizzle of condensed milk followed by her hair being wrapped in foils, just like any other hair dying treatment. The video ends revealing the lady’s chocolate mauve hair.

The process must have felt like turning the hair into a mouth-watering chocolate dessert. But certainly, the aftermath of this treatment would leave the hair smelling like one, which is not so bad! Apparently, Nutella helps in adding shine to the hair. Watching the video you get assured that this experiment does really work and the caramel color on the hair really turned up well. The longer you let the chocolate be on your hair the longer the effects would stay. It lasts for around two to three weeks generally as per Abed. Which means it could be a really good temporary hair color solution!

Most of the viewers on Huda Kattan’s video agree that they would rather demolish a jar of Nutella on sight by gorging it down rather applying it on hair. However, surely there are plenty of others who must have got inspired by this one step higher plunge into a chocolaty experiment.

(Picture: Huda Kattan/Instagram)