Elon Musk Shows the Perfect Way to Get Back To Work after a Bad Breakup


Breakups are inevitable in life and if someone hasn’t had it they are more than fortunate. Love makes us happy and we have to let it go it becomes hard and we become an emotional wreck. You still have to catch up with life and live.

It becomes tough to even imagine how you will lead a life without the certain someone after a breakup. It is tough to absorb in the present let alone think about the future without the person and then you have to somehow gather the courage to let go as you need to get your act together or you will give it the power to actually break you. Life is unpredictable yet you have to give it a chance. If the breakup was your fault then reflect on it and if not then you have to just let it go.

We all have a certain purpose in life, dreams, and passion we wish to follow. In our quest of building a life that we dream of these heartaches can hinder our progress. It can happen to an 18-year-old or a 35-year-old, there are no exceptions but there’s a career you need to get back to.

One of the richest men of our times, Elon Musk to is going through such emotional crisis after breaking up with Amber Heard. And he has some very crucial tips to help anyone who needs to get their act together and get back to work.

In the middle of being interviewed by Rolling Stone Elon took a % minute restroom break. He wanted to unload a few other things from his mind before answering questions related to Tesla’s market strategy.

The Rolling Stone profiler offered to interview him later if it was a bad time to which Elon replied that it might take him a little while to get into the rhythm of things and that he had just broken up with his girlfriend and was really in love that it hurt badly. He soon corrects himself by saying she broke up with me more than I broke up with her.

He adds that his break up the pain was severe and that it took every ounce of will for him to be able to do the Tesla Model 3 launch event and not appear depressed. He states that he was morbid for most of the day so he had to psych himself up to drink a couple of red bulls, hang out with positive people. He gave himself a reminder that all the people around him were depending on him and so he had to do it.

Elon then describes why he needs a partner. He asked his profiler if he knew anyone whom he could date and stated that he was looking for a long-term relationship and not a one-night stand. He shared that going to sleep alone kills him and that he doesn’t enjoy having someone. A man who has everything, afford anything that he wants and is definitely pacing fast towards his dreams yet he goes through this inevitable phase.

Overcoming the phase

You can start with taking a day or two off for the pain to settle down. You can share how you feel and your thoughts with your best friend, but never at work. Focus on the mechanical aspect of work so you don’t need your creative juices. Stroll for 10 to 15 minutes during your work hours to let your mind wander off. You need to take care of not letting yourself make life-changing career decisions. If you do it you will be doing it with a vague understanding of things. Be patient, let time heal.

(Photo credit: newsapi, dailymail, usmagazine)