Meet The 26yo Indian ‘Chai Walli’ Who Has Become Australia’s Businesswoman Of The Year


Meet 26-year-old Uppma Virdi an Indian-Australian legal advisor who started her own venture called ‘Chai Walli’ – idea being to offer heritage Indian tea to Tea lovers living in Australia. In a matter of no time (less than two years ), her innovative venture became a hit, most talked about and Uppma was chosen Businesswoman of the Year at the 2016 Indian Australian Business and Community Awards (IABCA) sorted out in Sydney recently.

Uppma began ‘Chai Walli’ while doing her normal everyday employment at a law office. She reviews how her granddad, an Ayurvedic specialist, showed her the craft of making great natural tea. Gradually, Uppma’s tea picked up prominence in her groups of friends. This is What She Told to SBS.

“Wherever I go I make tea… My folks’ main demand is ‘Uppma, make some tea.’ When my sibling got hitched, I think I would have made a thousand cups tea for all the guests. Notwithstanding when I went abroad to Austria on a scholarship, I used to make tea for everybody. It was a method for uniting individuals.”

Today, Uppma’s online tea store, where she offers an assortment of tea and related items, for example, candles, pots, kettles, strainers, and even chocolates made of tea, has turned out to be extremely prevalent. She has additionally wandered into directing workshops where she shows tea fans how to make the perfect cup of fragrant chai.

The Chandigarh young lady was likewise an invitee at the Melbourne Tea Festival composed before. At the occasion, she had addressed the media about her yearning to advance the remarkable arrangements of Indian tea all through the world.