Pak Media Displays Confiscated Documents, Says They Belong To Captive Wing Commander Abhinandan


Pak media publicly released confiscated documents and claimed it all belong to Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman.

Since the Pulwama attack on CRPF jawans conducted by Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM), the increasing tension between two nuclear neighbors, Pakistan and India are being feared by the common people of both the nations.

Indian Pilot captive

The Indian Air Force retaliated to the terror attack and hurled 1000 Kg bombs via airstrike crossing LoC and entering Balakot, Pakistan. Based on the solid intelligence information, the air force pinpointed terrorist campsites in Balakot and took the action right after 12 days of the terror attack.

Also Read:  Know Why Pakistan Can’t Harm IAF Pilot Abhinandan Vardhaman And Will Have To Return Him Due To The Geneva Convention

As per the reports, over 350 terrorists are killed in action as the Indian Air Force demolished the camps in Balakot. Retaliating to the airstrike done by India, Pak Air Force tried to enter and target the Indian military base in Nowshera, J&K but were compelled to abort and retrace back by Indian military actions.

Raveesh Kumar, MEA Spokesperson, said to the media about the Pak air Force infiltration and also told about a befitting reply by Indian Defense to send the fighters back to their base. He also accused Pak Air Force of targeting India’s military bases near Pak LoC.

He said that the infiltration was stopped by the intervention done by MiG-21 Bison. Pakistan Air Force lost one fighter plane in the process and India also lost a MiG-21 too.

He also said, “The pilot is missing in action. Pakistan has claimed that he is in their custody. We are ascertaining the facts.”

Pakistan claimed that its defense system has shot down two Indian fighter jets. Two pilots were taken captive.

Captive Indian pilot

Meanwhile, a video released by Pak Army showed a man in Indian pilot attire with facial injuries. He was blindfolded and Pak officials were questioning him.

In this released video, the captive pilot said, “My name is Wing Commander Abhinandan and my service number is 27981.” He added by saying that he is a flying pilot. He then goes on to say, “May I request for a little information, sir? Am I with the Pakistani army?”

Also Read: PAK F16s Violate Indian Airspace After IAF Airstrike, India Retaliated Shooting Down One, Pak Pilot Ejects

Pak media released the set of documents from confiscated the captive wing commander. The set contains a survival kit checklist, a terrain map, and a survival-on-land booklet. The Pak army has also confiscated a service pistol and other personal items from the pilot.