Know Why Pakistan Can’t Harm IAF Pilot Abhinandan Vardhaman And Will Have To Return Him Due To The Geneva Convention


Several rules have been given in the Geneva Convention to uphold the rights of wartime prisoners. The Geneva Convention consists of four treaties and three additional protocols (draft), which is to provide the law to preserve human values during the war. The first treaty to maintain humanity was in 1864. After this, the second and third treaty took place in 1906 and 1929. After World War II in 1949, 194 countries together formed the fourth treaty for preserving human rights.

Pakistan on 27th February has arrested a Wing commander Abhinandan Vardhaman of the Indian air force. He was unlucky as he ejected his parachute near Pakistan border. Although Pakistan armed forces will not be able to do anything to the Indian pilot as the rules of the Geneva Convention on the POWs are applicable. It is essential for Pakistan to do humanitarian treatment with the Indian pilot.

During the war of Kargil in 1999, an IAF pilot Kambampati Nachiketa was imprisoned by Pakistan. The case of Nachiketa was raised under the Geneva Convention Treaty. Then the Vajpayee government created international pressure on Pakistan and finally, they had to bow down and thus they released him successfully.

No barbaric behaviour or discrimination can be done against the Indian pilot and at the same time, the soldiers will also have the right to take help from legal facilities. Under the Geneva Convention, the Prisoner of war cannot be threatened or tortured in any circumstances. Apart from this, they can not be denied any assistance or humiliated. Apart from this, the war prisoners have to be returned to the country as soon as possible.

Rules of the Geneva Convention

  • Under this treaty, the injured soldiers are properly supervised.
  • They are given proper food and all the necessary things needed to them are given.
  • No inhuman treatment can be done with any prisoner of war.
  • This treaty applies to a country’s military as soon as the accused is caught. (Whether it is female or male).
  • According to the treaty, the person cannot be threatened and the caste, religion, birth, etc. are not asked.
  • The person caught can be asked only about their name, military posts, numbers, and units.

Meanwhile, former Air Force officials expressed the confidence of a positive return of Wing Commander. Former Air Chief Marshal Arup Raha has stated it is expected that Pakistan will not violate the treaty of Geneva convention. At present, the entire international community is keeping an eye on the situation. If Pakistan makes any stupidity then it will have to face the consequences.