Apple Loses Another Lawsuit: Now Steve Jobs Is Officially A Newly Found Italian Denim Brand!


Apple is quite consistent in suing people around and well… losing those cases anyway. This time they have fought over Steve’s name and lost the same top a newly found denim brand called- Steve Jobs. Yes, you heard it right!

After years of legal battles, a pair of brothers— Vincenzo and Giacomo Barbato, have successfully managed to win a legal battle against Apple, earning the right to call their company Steve Jobs, after Apple’s iconic founder.

-according to a report in La Repubblica Napoli.

It all began back in 2012 when the two brothers noticed that Apple had never trademarked or patented Jobs’ name.

The pair were already in the process of starting their own clothing and accessory company after spending years creating products for other brands and decided that Steve Jobs would be the perfect name for their new brand.

Apple, as one can expect, filed a motion against the brothers over the trademark and was denied against the brothers in the European Union Intellectual Property Office.

But according to La Repubblica Napoli, the tech giant may have lost by attacking the brothers specifically over their Steve Jobs logo- a stylized letter J with a bite taken out of the side and topped with a very Apple-ish leaf. However, the court ruled that the letter J isn’t edible and therefore the bite could not be ripping off Apple’s own iconic logo and upheld the brother’s trademark.

The pair is set to continue working on products under the Steve Jobs brand, including bags, t-shirts, jeans, and other fashion accessories.

That said, in an interview with Business Insider Italia, the brothers mention that the goal of the Steve Jobs brand is to eventually release electronics, although they have yet to reveal specific plans there- intending one day, there could very well be a Steve Jobs phone competing in stores right next to Jobs’ own iPhone.