Why Indian Armed Forces Is Considered To Be The Best In The World


The Indian Armed forces are one of the best powerful forces in the world. According to a list released by Global Firepower, India has the fourth largest force in the world. On the basis of military strength, it is America, Russia, and China at the top of the list and after that India is at number fourth.

The Indian Army is the first army to defend the border at the highest point in the world. Indian soldiers always remain stationed between the coldest region of Siachen Glacier. India has 80-100 nuclear weapons which make India a powerful ally and a dangerous enemy. The High Altitude Warfare School (HAWS) of the Indian Army is considered to be the best Army Training Center in the world. The Indian Army has an outstation base in Kazakhstan too.

India is in the top five, while Pakistan has been successful in making the first place in the top-15. According to GFP estimation, India is ahead of China in terms of military capability. India has 42,07,250 soldiers, while China has only 37,12,500 soldiers. Although China has 22,60,000 active soldiers, India has an army of 13,62,500 active soldiers.

According to reports, the strength of India’s Reserve Battalion is 28,44,750, while China’s 14,52,500. One should acknowledge that the Global Firepower tests 50 different standards for each country’s military capabilities to prepare this list. The defense budget also holds an important place in this assessment.

India has a large number of ballistic missiles at this time, which is capable of targeting neighboring enemy countries Pakistan and any city in China. India has to strengthen its military capabilities due to its strong neighbors China and Pakistan, which is not for the attack but for the rescue.

Leaving the UK behind, India’s defense budget has been included in the world’s top five budget for the first time. India reached fifth place in defense budget with 201.5 billion dollars spent in 2017. In 2016, there was a defense budget of $ 51.1 billion. India has 37 warships 1 aircraft carrier and 11 destroyers. The country has more than 500 fighter aircraft and more than 3,300 tanks. India has 16 submarines, 2 of which are nuclear.

The army of India is the second largest army in the world. It was established in 1947 just after the independence of India. In the coming time, it is expected that India can spend more money on the defense budget to further strengthen its military forces. The country is making all types of weapons and military equipment such as Dhanush Gun, Multi Barrel Rocket System Pinaka, Innasas Rifle, Bulletproof jacket-helmet, special truck-carts for the army, advanced missile, Arihant submarine, aircraft carrier.