D For Darzi Works For The Betterment Of The Tailor Community By Taking Affordable Clothes Online


In times of online marketing and people getting so used to buying clothes choosing them from the vast varieties on Internet, we have almost forgotten those old times when we used to go tailors to get our clothes stitched. 


In an attempt to give a tech-boost to the traditional tailor-made clothing and the tailor community  D For Darzi, a new startup will cater to their specific needs. 

About D For Darzi

It was set up by journalist turned entrepreneur Saira Aslam. The startup has already collaborated with renowned beauty expert Blossom Kochhar and designer and activist Sanjana Jon has also promised to work with D for Darzi in future.

Aslam was deeply touched by the plight of the tailors in the remotest towns of Bihar and Bengal. The tremendous amount of labour that they put in is not compensated by a meager 25 rupees that Aslam was told, they received five to six years ago.

“I kept thinking what amount they actually took home. The figure of 25 rupees for stitching a hundred blouses was outrageous and kept haunting me. Even if the figure improved in these past few years, it wouldn’t have improved dramatically,”

she said.

The horrific incident of the Rana Plaza building collapse in Bangladesh had left an indelible mark on the mind of Aslam. The death of so many tailors working in unsuitable working conditions and cramped spaces made her realize that the tailor community is in dire need of help.

This is exactly what Aslam tried to achieve through her startup. 

The road ahead

At an event held in New Delhi, the startup stated that it is due to come up with its e-commerce website. This would make online buying of tailor-made clothes easier.

It’s invitation for public participation from women of all ages, backgrounds, and colour to model for it was received with open arms.

In a photo shoot arranged by D for Darzi it celebrated the natural beauty of women and encouraged them to shed inhibitions regarding their body types.

“I thought to have community ambassadors for the photo shoot was a great idea as it would ensure participation of women and men from diverse backgrounds. The students and trainers from Blossom Kochhar College of Creative Arts and Design did the make up the hair of all participants of the community initiative. I wish D For Darzi that seeks to help the poor tailoring community of the Indian subcontinent, all the best in future,”

Kochhar said. 

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