Sudha Murthy, Chairman of Infosys, Gave A Befitting Reply When Called ‘Cattle Class’


Infosys Foundation chairperson Sudha Murthy has made shocking confessions in her new book ‘Three Thousand Stitches’. Sudha Murthy has revealed in her book that she was judged at the International Heathrow Airport in London and was called a ‘Cattle Class’.

In the airport, Sudha was standing to get her boarding pass checked, and she was standing in the line of people having business class tickets. She had to travel to Mumbai to preside over a meeting of Infosys Foundation. Suddenly one well-groomed lady standing in front of her asked Sudha to go and stand in the line of economy class. She even pointed out that the line in which she is standing is for business class passengers.

Sudha Murthy then realized that the woman had judged her by the clothes she is wearing. At that time she was wearing a salwar kameez, due to which she was probably not seen as a person worthy of that line. In an interview, Sudha said that she could have cleared all her doubts by showing that woman her boarding pass. Nevertheless, she decided to wait and showed her boarding pass for verification.

Sudha Murthy came back to the well-groomed lady and said “Please tell me—what made you think that I could not afford a business class ticket? Even if I did not have one, was it your prerogative to tell me where I should stand? Did I ask you for help?” After this reply, that woman went silent. She further stated “You refer to the term “cattle class”. Class does not mean possession of a huge amount of money.

Karma brought them together again

sudha murthy

Surprisingly the woman who judged Sudha Murthy at the airport was also present in the Infosys foundation meeting. Furthermore, her face became pale and stunned when she saw Sudha heading the meeting. Her face told her that she had learnt the lesson of not judging someone by their looks. Sudha Murthy wrote in her book that our clothes remind us of the stereotype, which is still very popular today.