Pete Cashmore, CEO, Mashable: A Diseased Teenager Who Lacked High School Education Became The Millionaire Sage Of Social Media!


This man is the hottest geek in Silicon Valley. He is the CEO of Mashable. Yes, we are talking about Pete Cashmore.

His website Mashable is one of the most leading social media influencing portals and prominent news publishing channels on the internet.

But this feat wasn’t achieved overnight. Pete had his shares of troubles too- during his most of his teenage Pete had to undergo several rigorous appendix surgeries and because of that, he had to miss school repeatedly and in a large number of days.

But instead of giving up on his ever-felt dream of a magnificent career and luxurious lifestyle, he decided to work even harder in a direction that he saw immense potential in. So his disease didn’t stop him from pursuing a career or excelling in life- he started to write 10 articles for working more than 18 hours a day. When he was done with a good amount of articles, he published all of them on a social media portal and named it Mashable.

During this period, even his parents turned unsure of what he was up to. But by then he had already found Mashable so he kept marketing his blog digitally and even took the help of Google’s AdSense to spread its organic reach.

And, it was just about the time when Daily Mail came knocking at their doors to interview ‘the kid behind Mashable’!

Soon this one interview gave a humongous mileage to the online media source and with the advent of social media, Mashable became one major source of internet media and news for the connected generation making Pete’s net worth over 120 million as of today.

As the young social media rockstar said once-

The idea of changing the world from the bedroom was very compelling to me!

Pete Cashmore recently got engaged to Kimmy Huynh, another prominent social media blogger and lifestyle reporter.

And what we can really take out from Pete Cashmore’s life is that dreams only come true when we stop dreaming and start doing. Cashmore was not educated well, he had appendix issue and yet he strived to change this world in any way that he was the capable of.

Pete was also featured on Forbe’s reputed list of 30 under 30 which covered thirty most promising public figures in the world under the age of thirty. Today Pete Cashmore is dubbed as the sage of social media and has been one of the most influential faces in bringing social media revolution to life. And we can’t agree less!