6 Pro Tips For Married Men Whose Women Are Breadwinners

A 1980 statistical report suggests that 13% of earning women were breadwinners in their family. The figure has taken leaps and bounds to reach...

10 Best Grooming Tips For Men

If you still believe that shaving your face and wearing well-pressed clothes is all about grooming, then you have to step up your game....

How To Get Rid Of Stinking Alcohol Smell

The breath of mouth after consuming alcohol can be irritating and embarrassing. If you don't want to go home or in any event stinking...

Study says that Alcohol helps you to speak a foreign language...

Study says that, learning new language can be made easy after consuming alcohol. In a way, it makes sense: It also shows that  a...

Capsule Wardrobe: 8 Reasons Why Successful People Wear Same Type Of...

A new concept of choosing similar apparel is becoming a movement named ‘Capsule Wardrobe’. If you ponder, you will find successful individuals follow the same...

Chanderi Dresses, Customised Jutis: Summer Wedding Style

For a summer wedding, you need to be light and bright with the appropriate fabrics in play. Opt for minimalistic embellishments and soft Maheshwari...

It Is Okay To Say “No” At Work In These Situations...

Learning to say "no" when you authentically indicate "no" is a brilliant life skill. This skill becomes quite handy when the person is working...

Excuses And Tricks To Get A Day Off From Work On...

Every year on February 14, Valentine's Day is celebrated worldwide. This day can be a good opportunity to express love to your partner. Worldwide,...

What Beard Style, Will Suit Your Face Shape?

The trend of growing beard and beard styling has only been booming since the last couple of years. Most of the men have been...

12 Worst Decisions Which People Make Only To Regret Later

Worst mistakes and decisions in life? Do you anytime wonder about which age is the most crucial one? If not, then ask your parents...

Movies Every Entrepreneur Must Watch

Being an entrepreneur is a great task. There seem to be a million challenges in the way each and every day. Entrepreneurs have to...

Early term babies at increased risk of diabetes, obesity

Being born early term may increase a baby's risk of developing diabetes and obesity-related illnesses as well as a shortened life span, according to...

Stop Social Media from Manipulating You

There is no doubt that social media has its good elements. You have Instagram for some wonderful pictures, Twitter for some great insights and...

These Are Ways for Entrepreneurs to Stay Fit who Are Too...

As a busy entrepreneur staying in shape is the most difficult. To add up there are workplace stress, long office hours and unhealthy choice...

Study says: Consumption of one energy drink narrows blood vessels...

Are you aware that consumption of one energy drink  increases risk of heart attack and stroke within 90 minutes of consumption.The researchers from the...