Meet Shriank: A Young Coder Who Has Invented Keeptab


Human memory is volatile- that is it tends to fade with age. Which on its counterpart makes the life of difficult to collect in proper pieces as we grow up.

This was the basic problem statement that Shriank noticed when he saw his grandfather gradually losing his memory. He realized that the pain of memory loss is progressive and can be stressful to the most of the ageing people.

This personal incident inspired the young lad to start on a project aiming to make the life of elderly people easier with the issue of memory loss.

He then after months of research and innovation, invented KeepTab, a wearable device that would help people to recall precise object locations in case they forgot where they saw them last through a cloud-based deep machine learning framework.

The KeepTab can be worn over one’s clothing and it will capture images as the user moves around.

These images are then categorized as reference objects to find the actual substance and the information are stored on a cloud-database.

For example, if someone forgets his/her keys one need to say ‘locate my keys’ to the voice interface provided by GoogleNow on their phone (the phone will be linked to KeepTab) and the search will be successful.

The KeepTab has 3 functional components:

A micro-controller powered by Intel Edison

A camera

An accelerometer

The accelerometer helps to provide accurate movement analysis when the device is pinned to the clothing.

Shriank is a Lego champion and those experiences of designing toys at an early age helped in designing the current machine.

He is also an avid coder and regular participants if hackathons which fetch him nation-wide recognition at the Google Science Fair this year.

The device has already attracted major attention from the relevant crowd and Shriank is planning to make the codes available on an open-source platform (where more people can have free access to it) for its further development.

He is deeply interested in learning more about artificial intelligence and wants to become an entrepreneur in future.