Lenovo India on Wednesday made a new addition to its Note line-up with ‘K8 Note’. Priced at Rs 12,999 onwards, Lenovo has placed the ‘K8 Note’ in direct competition with the immensely-popular Xiaomi ‘Redmi Note 4’.
The high points of the device are its primary dual cameras and stock Android (7.1.1) operating system (OS).
The company’s ‘Note’ series has been quite popular in India and ‘K8 Note’ has come after a brief hiatus. In the mean time, Lenovo has launched seven Motorola-branded smartphones in the past six months.
We spent some time with ‘K8 Note’ and this is our first impression of the 4GB RAM, 64 ROM deviclenovo
Lenovo’s Vibe UI was heavily-bloated and made devices pretty slow. But this time, the company has ditched its custom software in favour of stock Android for good.
Powerful internals makes the smartphone a great performer.
Lenovo ‘K8 Note’ comes with Google Assistant and multi-window function as well.
Another highlight of ‘K8 Note’ — the primary camera (with dual sensors) — is capable of taking some really cool images.
The camera set-up has 13MP primary sensor and 5MP depth sensor for better pictures and enhanced depth of field.
It delivers good ‘Bokeh’ shots with good details in daylight. However, we are yet to test the camera in low light.
The camera app did not show lag and we were able to click multiple images without any lag.
In terms of looks, the smartphone has a great built but does not stand out of the crowd.
The 5.5-inch full-HD (1920×1080 pixels) display is pretty bright.
‘Note’ series is focused on battery life and ‘K8 Note’ also features a big 4000mAh battery. A 15-watt turbo charger is included that promises to charge the device quickly.
There’s a dedicated music key on the device for music lovers. The smartphone also supports 4G connectivity and VoLTE.
While Lenovo has strategically placed ‘K8 Note’ in a fiercely-competitive segment, it would be interesting to see how it proves to be a stiff competition to Xiaomi ‘Redmi Note 4’.