India’s big action on Pakistan after Pulwama attack, customs duty increased by 200%


On 14th February 2019, a suicide bomber targeted a bus in Anantipora region of Pulwama district in a convoy of 78 vehicles of CRPF Jawans. After this horrific attack, around 44 brave soldiers were martyred. In the last three decades of Indian history, it is believed to be the biggest terror attack in Jammu and Kashmir. This attack is being condemned across the world. The Cabinet Committee on Security directed by PM Modi held a 55-minute meeting on this attack. After that, the media was addressed by the Finance Minister Arun Jaitley where strict actions were announced against Pakistan.

He said that in the meeting, the actual situation generated due to the Pulwama terrorist attack was assessed and thoroughly discussed. Jaitley said that in the meeting it was decided that the Foreign Ministry will initiate diplomatic initiatives to completely isolate Pakistan at the international level. He said that at the same time it is decided to initiate the issue of terrorism on the subject of the international treaty. This topic is stuck because of the lack of integration with the definition of terrorism. The Ministry of External Affairs will discuss this with the international community.

After the martyrdom of 40 CRPF martyrs in the Pulwama attack, India has begun getting stricter to Pakistan. Firstly, the ‘Most Favored Nation’ status from Pakistan was withdrawn, now on Saturday, India has increased customs duty up to 200% on imported items with immediate effect. This information was provided by Arun Jaitley from his twitter account.

The increase in customs duty of up to 200% will have a great effect on exports to Pakistan from India. Pakistan is already suffering from an economic crisis after developed countries have stopped funding it. In the year 2017-18, India had exported $ 3,482.3 million i.e. $ 48.85 million. Pakistan mainly exports fresh fruits, dry fruits, cement, tea, large-scale mineral and ore and ready-made leather to India. Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley confirmed the tweet about this. India had withdrawn the status of Most Favored Nation on Friday. The Most Favored Nation is a state under which the country has got certain privileges.

At the same time, India has begun its efforts to put pressure on the government of Pakistan for immediate action on Islamabad to stop the terrorist activities on the global scale and to stop funding these terrorists. Union Minister Arun Jaitley said that they will take all necessary steps so that Pakistan can be completely isolated from the world.