How You Can Help The Families Of CRPF Martyrs of Pulwama Attack


After the attack on Pulwama district of Jammu and Kashmir on Thursday, there is anger in the whole country. In this attack, the country lost its 40 heroes, while many soldiers were seriously injured. People’s eyes are moist and in the hearts the fire of revenge from the enemy is blazing.

If you wish to financially help the martyrs’ family then you can donate directly into the accounts of their family in the manner described in this article.

  • Support through Paytm –

The CRPF wives Welfare Association has taken the assistance of the Paytm e-commerce company for the donation and assistance to the martyrs’ families. Under this scheme, Paytm have added the option of donation for the CRPF wives Welfare Association in both its web and phone application versions. With the help of which people can support the families of armed forces with the minimum donation amount of even 1 rupee. Paytm has also prepared an additional gateway for fast payment. Users can donate by visiting the option of ‘CRPF Welfare Association’. This option appears on the menu of the app, but in order to reach this option on the web version, the user has to click the donation section.

  • By paying your taxes on time –

We must appreciate the government that they have to fulfill a lot of responsibilities in different sectors like health services, education, armed forces, development etc. By giving taxes on time, you are contributing to the country and leading it towards development. This step will not only make Indian armed forces powerful but will help them with modern war equipment and increased budget allocation. In this way, considering the various duties of the government, we need to pay taxes on time and play the role of a responsible citizen of our motherland India.

  • By using Bharat Ke Veer application or website –

The Union Home Ministry of the Government of India launched the website and app called in the year 2017 specifically for supporting families of armed forces financially. Through this official website, the common people of the country can easily provide financial help to the families of martyrs. Here you can donate in two ways, first you can donate money directly to the martyr’s family account and secondly, you can donate money to the heroic fund of the Indian government. The Indian government uses the Veer Fund to help the martyrs and the injured jawans and their families.

  • Protest peacefully –

We all know that the Protest on the right issue is never useless. However one should do it peacefully. In case you are planning to protest against Pakistan after the cowardly terrorist activity. Make sure its a silent protest and no public property, peace, and harmony is destroyed in that particular area. A candle march would be the best silent method of protesting.

  • Refrain from becoming a keyboard warrior –

Getting into heated arguments, using slangs, posting inappropriate things or spreading fake news is never appreciated. One should remember that war costs a lot of lives. It is easier to sit at home and give opinions on social media.