How to Get a Job with Limited Experience


We have all been there, trying to apply for jobs that demand higher experience than we actually have. We lack the needed experience which almost frustrates everybody in the process of job search.

Here are few tips to get a job when you have limited experience.

Know your objective

You need to have a clear idea of what you are qualified for doing. List your skills sets and try to find jobs that require those skills. You will find a path to a successful career.

Apply to small companies

The large organizations receive a massive amount of resumes for vacancies in their company. This minimizes your chances to get a job as you are sure to lose out to someone with the desired experience. The small companies miss out receiving many resumes and so getting a job in a small organization is not that difficult. So go for a company with less than 20 employees.

Avoid depending on Human Resources

Avoid putting all your efforts on applying to human resources. The best is to focus your chances in finding the person who is in charge of the job you want to be in.

Stay adaptable

If you are unable to get hold of the exact job profile that you have chosen then look for something that might be similar. This will allow you to apply to more companies and the chances of you getting employed increases.

Keep your skills updated

Always keep a habit of polishing your skills and learning new things. Constantly updating your knowledge in your field will help you in the long run. Perhaps you need to develop new skills in order to get better.


Volunteer work experience will help you better to get a chance of employment. Working few hours a week to get some experience can help increase your experience.

Stay Persistent

Never give up, job searches may last a year depending on what kind of job you need. Some even go for a job that doesn’t satisfy their needs in many ways and even financially but still take it in order to step into the field for experience. Avoid being overly selective in finding a job.