Best Way To End an Interview


You have been sitting there for an hour talking all about your work experience and answering all the questions that have been asked by the potential employer during the interview. It is finally time to wrap up and the potential employer asks if you have any questions to ask or doubts to clear.

We have all been there, haven’t we? After feeling your highs and lows throughout the interview, this question makes you wonder what can be asked to actually make an impression.

Surely the question must be for formality. The interviewer cannot just kick you out. So this is the way potential employers like to end a conversation. But the intention does not matter here for you. This is another opportunity in the interview like any other questions that had been asked for you to actually shine. There are final impressions like the firsts and you need to be notable and give something to your interviewer to remember you by.
Before your potential employer and you both head for your respective separate ways, a final remark can add more value to the complete one hour or more of an interview spent. Since the many other candidates before or after you shrug this off, having already talked and answered to many interview questions, you actually being able to question back can leave a significant mark.

Simply ask, “Yes, may I know, what your best moment in the company/ (company’s name) was?”

As innocent as the curiosity sounds, it can give you many advantages and insights into the employer’s thoughts and create a subconscious connection between you and the prospective employer. You will get to know more about the potential employer’s values, you will learn more about the company and you can identify your own expectations from the prospective position. You will know how well you will be capable of fitting into this organization.
It gives you an understanding of what are the values that this organization and its employees follow and the kind of company culture it produces for its team members. If there is a case of the potential employer not being able to give you an answer for your question then it is a beneficial red light for you to consider, in case you end up with an offer.

So, remember the next time you are asked for your doubts in that awkward last moment, to pop this question up. It will only help to end the interview better.