As The US Dejects Lately, India Now Clears Its Stand On Net Neutrality!


After US blew things out of proportions by neglecting the net neutrality in the recent FCC vote, other countries and countrymen also went into a state of speculation and distress of being captivated by their respective governments too. However, Telecom minister Ravi Shankar Prasad recently opened up about the same and offered some comfort to frightened internet users, putting a full-throated support for net neutrality to ensure a free and open internet.

Speaking at an event in New Delhi, he said:

It was for the US to decide its stand on net neutrality but our stand from day one is very clear- right of non-discriminatory access to the internet is not negotiable. Internet must be available to all. I don’t want to go into the debate of net neutrality that is for America to decide. I have been very clear, our government has been very clear.

The minister subpoenaed the example of dismissing an all-clear to Facebook’s Free Basics platform, which signified to deliver free access to some websites while neglecting out others.

Therefore, when Facebook came to India with their Free Basics… we examined and we found it would be free-only-when-you-enter-through-my-gate. India does not believe in one gate… be very clear about it… and I did not give any permission for that.

Indian’s ISP regulator, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India or TRAI, had circulated an order in February last year on prejudicial pricing over internet entree which led to a ban of platforms like Free Basics and Airtel Zero.

Last month, TRAI concluded its testimonials on net neutrality in which it forbade internet service providers from making any discrimination in traffic while rendering web access by either blocking or stifling some apps, websites and services or by endeavouring fast lanes to others.

The Department of Telecom has to now reap call on TRAI stand over net neutrality.

Mr Prasad’s message today won him positive reviews from internet rights activists.

I believe the internet is one of the finest creation of mankind and must be available for all. If the internet is a global platform it must have the link with local.

-Mr Prasad said.