Tips to Quit your Job Smartly


There can be many reasons you are unhappy with your professional life. Decisions that your superiors take, lack of good opportunities, feeling under or over utilized or simple dissatisfaction on daily basis. The moment such work discontent starts creeping into your personal life and thoughts, it might be better to quit the job and move on.

Even if it is a clear indication for you to quit, do not make a rash decision which you will regret later. Start contemplating your next steps smartly.

Make a quick work review

Start listing what you liked and did not like about the job. You will get a fine assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of the job. This will help you to understand what you learned from the job and what the mistakes you made are, or the flaws of the job. This will help in making better decisions in the future.

Consider savings

It is not wise to quit a job right away if you do not have adequate savings to keep you going. Make sure you have at least 6 months worth of disbursement with you. This should give you ample of time till you find another job for your regular income.

Get proper documents

Before signing all the documents make sure you assess them carefully. You do not want to agree to any non-solicitation clauses. You cannot risk your future by just missing out on reviewing all the documents.

A month over two week’s notice

Yes, it is better to give your notice a month prior to your leaving date. This gives the organization a good time for the transition and it prevents any anxiety.

Inform your boss first

It is best to inform your boss first about your intentions of leaving the job. In many cases, an employee has a good relationship with his boss and before giving in the formal notice of resignation it is better to verbally inform them.

State your reasons

While providing with your reasons for quitting the job, make sure you are diplomatic. Your boss knows you are leaving for a better opportunity but emphasizing on how unhappy you are at the current one is not taking you places.

Pay compliments

Begin the resignation meeting with a compliment. It can be praise about the current company or the boss. It generates positivity.

Quit on best terms

Like a good old movie break-up, it is better to leave in, ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ terms. You never know when you may cross paths with someone in the future professionally. So it is best to leave on good terms.

Never slack off

It is important to keep working hard until the last working day for you. Perform as usual or better. You need to maintain the impression of you being an exceptional employee.