4 Things every graduate would relate to



College days are the golden days for each one of us. Everything seems pretty chilled out and sorted. The only pressure one has to deal with is exams, assignments and boring lectures. After spending almost 3 to 4 years in college you tend to become lethargic and fun-driven. By the time you reach final year of college you get frustrated, want to be a graduate soon.

You desperately wait for farewell parties and convocation ceremony; dreaming about the dress you’d like to wear on these occasions. Once you pass the exams successfully, your family and friends pop up with questions like– What next? What after college?

Understanding this common phenomena,we thought of doing a story that not only lists things every graduate would relate to but in addition would also help you find a solution.

Master’s V/S Job:

After you graduate you left with en-number of questions and one of the major question that arises is to pursue further education or to start looking for jobs. When it comes to this confusion, we suggest you to be mentally prepared for working hard, handle responsibilities and adapt yourself according the work environment. If you are confused between a job or a degree, make a list of pros and cons for both the options and eventually you’ll figure out which one to go for.

Which Field to Choose:

For any student who’s unclear of what career option is apt for him, the confusion quotient  amplifies. choosing the right masters program seems to be a major hurdle. For such a dilemma, the solution is very simple; all you have to do is assess your abilities and skills, know your interests and then apply for the suitable masters program. Always check the subjects offered by the college for the masters program you’re willing to do.

Cash Crunch:

You’re always facing a cash crunch and are dependent on your parents for money. It feels terrible to ask for money from your parents each and every time but you know, what you can change this. Stop depending too much on your family and opt for part time job or freelancing which would help you earn some money for your daily expense.

Stress And Envy:

When you have your friends who are sure of what has to be done with life, who have either enrolled themselves for a course or have got placement then you don’t have to be envious or stress over it. With time, things will fall in the right place at the right time. Wait and try hard to live your dreams.