Zerodha, an online stock brokerage firm has invested Rs. 2.5 crores as a seed fund in a start up working in the options trading business, Sensibull. The early-stage is planning to invest the funds for hiring the engineering talents to strengthen its tech team. This is the first investment made by Zerodha after getting a licence from the Reserve Bank of Indi for operating as a non-banking finance company in the country.
The company was founded by Abid Hasan, Sensibul claims to be India’s first options trading platform that offers the simplified options trading for the new investors to the powerful tools for the pros. The startup is ran by a team of six members, the startup is attempting for creating scenarios for the investors so that they can take the best decision when placing the bets. Sensibull also claims that, it has around 20,000 logins into the platform with more 3,000 people being on the platform each day.
The startup was incubated by the fintech fund and the startup incubator Rainmatter which is a Bangalore based incubator, an initiative by Zerodha.
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eBay which ended its strategic partnership with Flipkart following the Walmart deal is now coming back to the Indian market by commencing its export business for the Indian sellers for sale across all the major markets. eBay is taking over the domain from the Flipkart.
eBay is also taking over the domain from Flipkart, a company spokesperson has confirmed to ETtech. “We are immediately focused on the cross-border trade opportunity and encourage India-based sellers to continue to take advantage of eBay’s global platform and sell to customers around the world,” a company spokesperson said.
Flipkart was acquired by the previous year when it has raised $1.4 billion in the
Flipkart had acquired last year when it raised $1.4 billion in funding from eBay, Tencent and Microsoft. eBay had at the time invested $500 million in Flipkart and is exiting with gross proceeds of around $1.1 billion.
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