Self Care Tips that you can follow at your Work Place


Taking care of your body and mind is very important so that one can release stress and feel happier. Due to hectic Work Environment people are unable to take care of themselves. But the fact is that a person can be more productive at work only when he/she is stress relieved.

If you already take care about your needs then you would know how it feels to have a daily self care routine and how is it beneficial for work life. These would help you throw out depression and stress from your life and bring in positivity.

Try out these tips in accordance to keeping yourself healthy and stress-free

Check out a funny site:

You can look out for funny sites or YouTube videos in between work hours which would kick out stress and bring in positive vibes. Laughter is said to be the best medicine for depression and stress. Therefore start finding ways to laugh and make people around you laugh.

Get up, Stretch, and move:

One should not sit at a single place and work all day round. Instead moving up and down in the staircase once in a while, stretching, and moving body would help you stay fit and active. Activities such as going out in the lunch time, or making coffee or tea or talking to a co-worker for a while will also rejuvenate your senses.

Nourish yourself at Lunch:

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and one should take full advantage of it. Instead of making sandwiches or eating junk food, make your midday meal full of nourishment. Order or bring something which would give you energy to work throughout the day.

Repeat a saying which inspires you:

We shape up our attitude according to what and how we think and work. Therefore look out for sayings which can inspire and motivate you. Positive sayings can fill you with self confidence and energies you to work during the day.

ALSO READ: Office environment can also be stressing Due to A Bad Boss at Work

Essential oils are the best way to sooth yourself:

There are a few oils which can sooth your mind and body, such as Wild orange, Lavender and Bergamot therapeutic grade essential oil. These oils should be used once in a while so as to revive your senses and get back to daily routine.

Be organized:

An untidy surrounding can create tension and stress. Therefore, for being at piece you have to keep your living space clean, which would help you cut down anxiety and stress. Take some time out and organize your living space and your workspace.