New Zealand Commits To Being Carbon Neutral By 2050


Climate change is a very critical thing that we humans must have to act on. The New Zealand prime minister’s zero-carbon bill has passed in the legislature with significant cross-party backing. This law empowers the country to different climate control regulations and to decrease its carbon emissions to 0 by 2050. It is in series with the Paris climate agreement.

In addition, Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern praised legislators for approving the bill and stated that she was thankful that in the past 10 years, the country’s parliament had advanced from arguing whether global warming is genuine to addressing what to do about it.

Ardern said “We have to start moving beyond targets. We have to start moving beyond aspiration. We have to start moving beyond statements of hope and deliver signs of action. That is what this government is doing and proudly so. We have made a choice that I am proud of, that will leave a legacy, and that I hope means the next generation will see that we in New Zealand were on the right side of history. Moreover The bill has been praised by environmental protection organizations around the world, who spoke New Zealand was heading the world in its realistic and equalized advent to fight climate change.

It is noteworthy that the Zero Carbon bill intends to present a structure to achieve climate change strategies. Above all, it’s in line with a global purpose under the Paris Agreement to curb the rising average temperature of the earth which has currently grown to 1.5° Celsius above pre-industrial levels.

In conlusion, the New Zealand’s bill introduces an enthusiastic target that is to diminish all the greenhouse gases to 0 by 2050. Above all, New Zealand already produces 80% of its electricity from renewables sources of energy, and that part will be raised by the year 2035 as foreign oil and gas are phased out.