Mindfulness is the next big revolution in psychology. From mental health experts to professional athletes – all are talking about the benefits of mindfulness.
What is it then?
The main crux of it involves focusing your attention on the present moment with a non-judgmental and compassionate attitude. It can be a remarkable technique to help you cope with difficult situations in life.
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Here are 7 habits that can help one practice mindfulness; they might seem difficult at first but end up being very beneficial later in life.
Practicing gratitude
Being grateful for the blessings we receive can be one of the most important habits you can develop, hands down. It reminds us to enjoy what we have, rather than desiring what we don’t.
To practice gratitude, immediately write down 3 things you are grateful for when you wake up. Be as specific as possible—specificity is key to fostering gratitude. It just takes 15 minutes. The goal of the exercise is to remember a good event, experience, person, or thing in your life and then to enjoy the good emotions that come with it.
Feeling your feet and palms
This technique will anchor yourself to the present moment. Draw your attention to your feet and palms. Notice the pressure of your feet against the floor or bed, the temperature, comfort or discomfort, itches, or anything else.
Once you’ve simply become aware of your feet and palms, then clench your hands into tight fists and release. Clench. Release. Clench. Release. This allows you to focus on your body, which will put you in the present moment.
Your mind will definitely wander, and when it does, return your attention to your feet without judging yourself or giving yourself a hard time.
Appreciate the environment
Allow your mind to let go and just notice all the wonderful objects, sites, and sounds around you. Expand your awareness of the environment you are in, for instance, notice the size of your surroundings, whether it’s a small room or if you can see the enormity of the sky outside.
Notice the colors of your environment. Become aware of any sounds happening around you. Without thinking or mentally commenting on what you notice, just take a moment to become aware of these things.
Breathe deeply
Most meditation techniques revolve around breathing and for good reason: It’s a great way to relax and center yourself.
To begin practicing, inhale for 3 seconds and exhale for 3 seconds. As you get more practice, you can increase the number of seconds, which will make you feel even more centered and relaxed.