Is it good to carry a smartphone in a meeting?


The smartphone is one of the greatest innovations of our lifetime. It is also one of the biggest sources of mindless distraction to afflict us. According to a research, it is found that 554 full-time working professionals are earning above $30K and are working in companies having minimum 50 employees.  The points listed below explain you what people think about the use of smart phones in meetings.


  • 86% people think that is inappropriate to the answer phone calls in meetings
  • 84% of them say that it is inappropriate to write emails and texts during meetings.
  • 66% of people say that, they feel it inappropriate when someone writes the emails or texts during the lunch’s offsite.

People say that when you take out your phone in meetings it conveys the following message:

  • It shows lack of respect
  • It shows lack of attention
  • It conveys the message that you are not practicing active listening.
  • It conveys power of message
  • People understand that you are lacking in self awareness and social awareness

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When you read this, a thought might strike you that, what do the intelligent people do with their  phones?  The answer lies below:

The intelligent thing to do is to find ways to keep the awesome power and benefits of smartphones and reduce the potential negative side effects.
Restrict notifications:
Every application you install seems to want to constantly send you notifications about every little thing that happens. App developers think everything they want to tell you is the most important thing for you to hear. Fortunately, these settings can be adjusted, at least some extent. Be ruthless with this, you can always allow notifications again if you miss something important. Look at your phone and see what notifications you get the most often. Turn off anything that isn’t critical.

Learn things:
Useful things, not cat pictures. Apps like Duolingo allow you to learn foreign languages. Coursera and similar apps allow you take courses from universities all over the world for free using just your phone. Depending what course you take, some, like computer programming, may require a PC, but you can at least watch the lecture videos on your phone when you have some down time.

Train your brain:
There are many apps available to train your brain in various ways and potentially increase your intelligence. Dual N Back training has been shown in some studies (and disputed in others) to actually increase your IQ with regular use. Basically, it increases your working memory, the RAM of your brain.


Be active and healthy:
Apple and Google have both added health and fitness tracking capabilities to their phone operating systems. Adding an external device such as a Fitbit tracker that pairs with the phone works even better. Track your steps, active minutes, flights of stairs, sleep, and other pieces of data, depending what app and device you use. This provides a good motivation to get up and be more active each day.

Put it down when you’re driving:
In most places, this is the law. Even if it isn’t, don’t be silly. Remember that multitasking is a myth. If you’re paying attention to the phone, you aren’t paying attention to the road. Put it where you can’t hear or reach it. Use bluetooth and voice controls if you have to make or receive calls. Don’t pull the phone out at red lights. You don’t want to be that jerk sitting there getting honked at when the light changes.

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