As passionate human beings, we are born with the urge that tells us to grow and expand as big as we possibly can.
But our overprotective, and sometimes primitive, brains resist that change and transformation.
This creates an internal conflict because, as we challenge our boundaries and push to fulfill our potential, our brains try to convince us to go back and snuggle into our comfort zones.
The overprotective part of the brain responsible for smothering us with safety is the amygdala, which uses sensations like fear, stress, and anxiety to dissuade us from doing anything risky or new.
But it is important to understand that only by pushing our boundaries, will we be able to make something out of the box – we will be able to GROW.
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This is especially true for entrepreneurs who have to be always on the top of things and try out the seemingly bizarre ideas to bring about newness in their ventures.
Science has shown that there are things we can do to strategically down-regulate the amygdala, and in the process, reduce the amounts of stress, anxiety, and overwhelm that we feel as we journey to become the fullest versions of ourselves.
Working out
We all know the benefits of a well-structured fitness regime. Recent studies have also shown that working out has a success-inducing effect on one’s neurochemistry.
In addition to all the physical benefits, exercising improves the circuits in the brain in a way that increases your ability to think, create, and solve problems while reducing the stress and anxiety that is caused by the amygdala.
Simply working out two to three times a week for 30-40 minutes has been shown to bring about these benefits.
Mindfulness for high achievers
Mindfulness encourages one to interact with the thoughts and emotions in an intentional way.
The thoughts and feelings do not run haywire, one objectively observes them and selectively choose which ones they want to embrace and attach meaning to.
Studies have shown that consistently practicing mindfulness increases the logical part of the brain’s ability to downregulate the irrational tendencies of the amygdala, which in turn reduces the amount of stress and anxiety that one has to deal with on a daily basis.
The end result is more calm and clarity throughout the day so that one can focus on the relevant tasks at hand while feeling a lot more peaceful in the process.
Being involved with art
The act of creation is a profoundly impactful experience for the human brain.
The benefits of the human urge to create have been studied extensively, and it has been revealed that artistic expression has a direct effect on how the brain perceives stress and anxiety.
Studies show that participating in some sort of artistic creation 1-2 times a week drastically lowers levels of the stress hormone, cortisol.
It is important to make time to express oneself creatively throughout the week in order to increase clarity and reduce stress.
All the three tips are time-taking and require patience but the result is a happier, healthier, and more successful version of you who is able to move forward powerfully without being held back by the overprotective and outdated amygdala.
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