Apple Battery Replacement Program To Commence In India Now!


Apple published a public apology for slowing down older iPhones without users’ knowledge last week! It also attempted making up to iPhone users by offering them a one-time battery replacement at a heavily discounted price.

That iPhone battery replacement Apple announced last week and is now ready to run- even in India, well yes. And it will continue to run until the end of December 2018, to give affected iPhone users a chance to replace their batteries in time.

In India, starting from today, Apple will charge Rs 2,000 plus taxes for replacing the battery of an iPhone 6 or above. The original price of this service has been dropped from approximately Rs 6,000 or so- a discount of 66% at least, if not more.

Older iPhone 6, iPhone 6s, iPhone SE, iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus models are eligible for a replacement battery at the discounted price till December 2018.

We expected to need more time to be ready, but we are happy to offer our customers the lower pricing right away.

-an Apple spokesperson said.

In the apology issued last week, Apple also spoke about some changes it’s making towards being more transparent about how older batteries slowdown iPhones in the longer run. To that end, an iOS update is planned for early 2018, offering new features that deliver users more information about the well-being of their iPhone’s battery- this way users can take therapeutic measures if their iPhone’s battery is admittedly slowing down performance.