Males Who Smoke With Boss Likely To Get Faster Promotions


Almost every working individual tries and gives their best efforts in the workplace to get quick promotions and appraisals. However, your productivity and promotion in the workplace depend on the number of factors. In a recent study it was found that, if a male employee goes on a cigarette break at the workplace, he often acquires advantage compared to women. According to a paper released on 9th December 2019 by the National Bureau of Economic Research, if your manager is a male and he smokes, then sharing smoking habits with the boss can help you in early promotions.

This result is part of the more extensive study. It revealed that if the managers of male employees are male, then they get the benefit of this. In contrast, the rate of promotion for women gets lower, and the association between a male boss and a female employee isn’t better than with male employees. It does not matter whether their manager is a male or a female.

The study also revealed that the bosses give preference to the same people who are or look like them. In this sense, men also get the benefit because the number of women in the executive rank is very less (one fourth). The conclusion is if you smoke cigarettes based on this report, and take a puff with your boss, then there is a high probability that your promotion will happen soon. Above all, the same applies if you hang out with your boss often and grab drinks with him.

Research By Harvard Business School –

The research was carried out by two people of USA. Joe Cullen of Harvard Business School and Ricardo Perez of UCLA Anderson School of Management. In this study, earlier research was also tracked in which it was found that male workers work better with men than other groups. Due to this, their productivity at work is also better.