Female Reddit User Gets Bill Gates As Her Secret Santa – And His Gifts Are Awesome!


Not everyone can brag about getting a gift from Bill Gates this Christmas but recently, a woman did. This lucky user from Reddit said that she has got the Microsoft bigwig as her Secret Santa.

Just like a few people already know, Bill Gates regularly participates in Reddit’s yearly exchange and, as BoredPanda perfectly describes it, the generous billionaire “showers his giftee with the most amazing holiday treasures one could imagine.”

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Redditor VietteLLC, a self-confessed cat lover, was the lucky person for the year and she was totally blown away with what she got from the Microsoft mogul. One of the surprises was a massive plush Pusheen. Gates even posed for a photo with it to prove that, yes, the gifts did come from him indeed.

She admitted, “I always check out the Bill Gates post and laugh.” “Never for a second even considering it a possibility for me.”

So what did the whole box had for her? Well, there’s a lot..

After unboxing all her gifts, the lucky female Reddit user later wrote her thoughts about it.

She said, “The best part? Knowing that at some point during my workweek, I was drinking coffee, writing a boring email, and Bill Gates was somewhere having a professional photo taken with a jumbo Pusheen and writing me notes about cats.”

Well ofcourse nobody can argue on this, as this is the best ever coolest Christmas gift a person could get.

Now with this, Bill Gates proved to be the nicest man on earth.

Also VietteLLC took out time to record a thanksgiving message for Gates.