4 Things You Should Do On Your First Date When You’re Looking For A Long-Term Relationship



First dates tend to be romantic and hunky-dory, but you really can’t predict how long it’s going to last. No matter how hard you try, practically it’s next to impossible to avoid getting into a relationship with a jerk or a person who’s wavelength doesn’t match with yours. Not everyone’s lucky to find a perfect match in their first relationship. There can be heartbreaks and sometimes, the opposite person might just want a fling. At such situations, it is always better to use a few tricks on your first date which will help you analyse if taking forward the relationship is really worthy enough.

Be Yourself:

Be yourselfIf you want him/her to stay attracted to you and love you the way you are then the first lesson you need to learn is, being yourself in front of him/her. Don’t pretend to the person you are not. Let the opposite person know what are your interests are and who are you inside.

Let Him/Her Know Your Intentions:

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Obviously, we aren’t asking you to tell the person directly that you are there just for a long-term relationship. Don’t talk about your intentions in the very first lines, talk about things, try to figure out what the opposite person is expecting form you. But it’s definitely important to let it out before the date gets over.

ALSO READ: 5 Reasons Why Having A Heart Break Is Good For You

Listen To The Person:

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When you’re looking for a long term relationship, don’t make it too obvious in the first few sentences. Let the opposite person speak, listen and read those red flags. If he/she is looking for a casual relationship, the person may not say it clearly but you can definitely try reading in between the lines. Try to read to red signals.

Ask Essential Question:

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Ask all the questions that you feel are essential. Don’t hesitate to ask thoughtful question. This way you’ll know if the person better. You’ll also get know if the person fits in your criteria.

Try out these tricks on your first date and you’ll know where to head…

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