Work Laws India Should Soon Adopt



India is slowly developing when it comes to work laws of the country. The number of private and multinational companies that provide flexible work hours and work-from-home option is increasing. Some companies have even considered the problem of working women and have provided their employees with childcare facilities.

Recently, a Mumbai based company, Culture Machine went a step forward and announced that it’s 75 women employees could take the first day of their period as a paid off if they experience pain or discomfort. This announcement immediately became the talk of the country and left us why isn’t this mandatory in the work laws of the country. Probably, with time there would be this change in the work laws of the country. After all, ‘Rome was not built in a day.’ Until then let’s just awe on those amazing working laws of a few countries around the world.

Travel Time Is Work Time:

Image result for travelling to work

Just two years ago, European Court of Justice ruled that the time taken to  that travel to work at the beginning and end of each day should count as working time. It was directed by the European Union’s Working Time Directive to ensure and take care of “health and safety” of workers.

No Work Emails On Off Days:

Image result for banning emailsThere are times when your boss asks you to work even on the off days and we truly understand how frustrating that is. You’ll be amazed to know that the employees of France have “right to disconnect” which enables employees to disconnect themselves from work emails that are a source of stress. The banning the emails during off days is done to make the workers feel relaxed and fresh.

It’s Not Work Time, It’s Nap Time: 

Image result for japanese people sleeping at workSounds crazy, but this is one of the policies being encouraged by many companies in Japan. If you ask us why, the answer is simple to ensure better work performance. While most countries like India calls ‘dozing off while at work’ unprofessional-ism, Japan encourages it’s employees take a short nap while at work for better productivity.

Enjoy A Three-Day-Weekend At Netherlands:

Image result for long weekendsIn India, it is barely easy to get Saturday’s off. Long weekends are only a dream for Indians. If you love going on holidays and enjoying lazy weekends then you might just wanna pack your bags and settle at Netherlands. When it comes to work-life balance, Dutch laws are very stringent. All workers at Netherlands are entitled to fully paid vacation days, maternity and paternity leave which is just a dream for most of Indians.

You’re Sent On A Compulsory Paid Vacation:

Image result for vacationAustria is very generous and wants the workers in the country to enjoy some quality time with their loved ones, which seems to relax their minds, boosts their productivity and creativity at work. In this country, the workers are entitled to 22 working days of paid vacation a year. Workers with 25 years of experience the have additional time off. There’s also a 13 paid holidays policy and employees who work on these days are paid double.

Well, that’s only a dream for us Indians!!! Well now let’s just enjoy the flexible work hours and work-from-home option for now and hope for lenient laws in future.