Wipro Chairperson Azim Premji Donated More Than Rs 50,000 Crores To Charity


Indian Billionaires are coming forward to help the Indian government fight against the Coronavirus pandemic. In the past few days, we have seen Reliance, Paytm, Mahindra and other firms coming forward to help.

Azim Premj,-chairman-Wipro

Wipro chairperson Azim Premji has donated financial funding of Rs 50,000 crore in charity.

The huge donation was made by him in March 2019, making him one of the most prominent philanthropists in the history of India. After this donation, the value of his total assets of has totalled to a massive 1,45, 000 crores – or 21 billion dollars. Known for his generosity and kindness, Wipro chairman Azim Premji has taken a big step towards social welfare and humanity.

Azim Premji has been donating a tremendous amount of money in the past to provide an exemplary education to the economically weaker section. Moreover, he has already given 34% shares of his company to social welfare. According to Forbes, his current net worth is $ 5.2 billion (about 36 thousand crore rupees). Above all, he has so far donated $ 21 billion (Rs 1.47 lakh crore).

Inspired by his mother’s charitable work, Premji started his charity journey in the year 2001. He started ‘The Azim Premji Foundation’ with Rs 875 crores. The goal of the Azim Premji Foundation is to “change the public education system rather than create ‘islands of excellence. “Azim Premji’s name comes in the most prominent donors for humanity in the world. He often invests a large part of his company’s money in social work, education and rural development.

Azim Premji is the first Indian to sign the pledge initiated by American billionaires, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet to donate at least 50% of their fortune for philanthropic work. Furthermore, these grants by Azim Premji have assisted over 150 organizations engaged in rural development, education, upliftment across India. Moreover, his foundation is improving the quality of education in the north-eastern states of India as well as Karnataka, Uttarakhand, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Puducherry, Telangana and Madhya Pradesh.