Whiskey Basics That Every Alcoholic Should Know


Whiskey is not a preferred drink for every person. And it is very rare to find a fellow who knows his brand, never mind him knowing how to hold the drink the way a real guy should. People do have bottles of fine Jack Daniels or Jameson to flaunt amongst his friends when they come over. However, do you even know the constituents of each of the drinks? You just try to be man enough and order the drinks because it is a brand, however, do you even know which of these works for you?

Whiskey is beyond just an alcohol or style statement it is an extension of someone’s personality. However, if you think you can grow your affinity towards whiskey and not just pretend to like it then here are few things you should know about the drink.

There are different kinds of it

Whiskies are distinguished by their nationalities. American whiskey is sweeter compared to the other whiskeys. These are distilled in America, aged in barrels for at least 2 years and then only are they called whiskey. Bourbon, Rye, and Tennessee are types of American whiskey. Bourbon and Rye are distilled from 51% corn and rye respectively. Tenessee is distilled in the state of the same name filtered through charcoal.

Scotch Whiskey, is distilled from Barley in Scotland, aged for at least three years. The flavour is smoky and earthy. It can be broken down into Blended Scotch and Single Malt. Blended scotch is a blend of more than one Scotch whiskey. Single Malt at a single distillery is distilled from malted barley.

Aged for three years, Irish Whiskey is distilled in Ireland and is light bodied.

Aged for at least three years, Canadian Whiskey is a typical blend distilled in Canada which is also, light bodied with relatively fruity taste.

There are different levels of Alcohol in different whiskeys

Several drinks have distinct alcohol contents. The levels are generally measured by percentage and proof. Bottles measured in percentage have the amount usually on the label and bottles measured in proof have a numeric value proof of the alcohol by volume (ABV). You know the proof amount by converting it into a percentage by simply dividing the total proof amount by half. Such as if a whiskey has 100 proof alcohol volume, then divide the 100 by 2 which means the bottle is a 50% ABV.

There is a way to pick a bottle for yourself that suits your palate

Try all the whiskeys out, obviously not at once to figure out which is best for you. Start by either American, Canadian or Scotch and chose its subsets such as if you have chosen American whiskey then start with Bourbon, Rye or Tennesse.

Next, try different ones at different price points. The flavour might remain the same but you will observe that the slightly expensive drinks seem smoother. You always can get help from the bartender.

Next is the alcohol content. One can go from a 45% Bourbon to 50% alcohol levels and the difference can be felt between the 5%. For the lightweight amateur whiskey drinker, you could always go for Canadian and Irish ones.