Sundar Pichai Gets Whopping $242 Million Stock Package In New Role


Google’s parent company Alphabet Inc. It has announced a $ 240 million stock award in the next three years. Along with this, from next year i.e., 2020, he will be given an annual salary of $ 2 million. Besides, if Alphabet’s shares in the S&P 100 index perform better than expected, Sundar Pichai will receive an additional stock grant of $ 90 million.
Pichai’s new salary package will be applicable from 1 January. However, out of $ 24 million, the $ 120 million stock award will be received in quarterly installments. Alphabet gave this information on 20 December 2019

Pichai, 47, was elected to the top post of Alphabet on 4 December after Google’s co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin resigned from their positions. Pichai has been receiving substantial pay scales for a long time. Earlier, he received a $ 200 million stock award in 2016. Last year he refused to accept the stock award, saying that he was already getting a good salary.

Pichai received Rs 4.6 crore as a basic salary in the year 2018. During this time, the wage of Pichai has increased by about 200 percent. In 2018, Pichai received a total of 1.9 million dollars (135 crore rupees) in salary. The hourly wage of Sundar Pichai is $ 2,25,961, which is about Rs 1.60 crore. Apart from salary, Sundar Pichai gets the facilities of stocks, bonds, and shares. Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded Google 21 years ago, and remarkably gave their resignation this year. Indian origin Sundar Pichai has been working with Google for a long time. He has also previously worked as the leader of the widespread browser Chrome and Google Android team.


In the year 2015, he became the CEO of Google. In 2016, under the leadership of Pichai, products like Google smartphones, virtual reality headsets, voice-controlled smart speakers gave huge profits to Google. Above all, Google today is included in the world’s largest companies. It started its journey from Silicon Valley (California) in 1998. Sundar Pichai did his BTech from IIT Kharagpur in India and MS from Stanford University. He received his MBA degree from the University of Pennsylvania, USA.