Summer Skin Care Tips


Summer months can be difficult for your skin, for men and women, likewise. If you fail to take proper care the increased temperature, intense heat and sun rays can cause severe damage to your skin. It can trigger dryness, irritation, and burning.

It’s all about taking proper skin care with numerous techniques and products to protect your skin from becoming frail and impaired.

Sun Protection

Let’s begin with the obvious ones first. Use a sunscreen with SPF 50 on a daily basis. The more coverage the skin gets the better for sun protection. You will find your skin is fresh, firm and fair with the continuous use.


You need a moisturizer that resists oily skin and the sunshine. If you go for the cheap moisturizer, be prepared for the oily and greasy skin. It is better to take time and look for an appropriate moisturizer. Once you have discovered a moisturizer that suits your skin and works under the sun, you can stick to it.

Choosing Moisturizer

The two factors that you need to consider for your moisturizer is sun protection and beneficial ingredients.

In the market, you can get hold of moisturizers that have SPF 15 conveniently. However, ideally, you should look for a sun cream that comprises of sunscreen and moisturizes your skin for a substantial foundation.

The second factor is to eye the ingredients list. You must look for beneficial ingredients like aloe vera, Vitamin C, and salicylic acid. These ingredients have exfoliating properties, give the skin brighter complexion as well as soothe your skin and keep it cool.


It is necessary to exfoliate your skin every day, all year round, regardless of any season. Exfoliation removes dead skin cells, prevents blockage and unwanted buildup around your face.

However, exfoliation is comparatively needed more during summer as the extreme heat and sunlight produce excess oil and sweat. Exfoliate twice in a week with a good quality exfoliator. A scrub can help your skin look far better and healthier and not to mention gives better complexion.

Deep Cleansing

With exfoliation twice a week, deep cleansing twice daily will ensure reduced signs of dead skin cells and any build up. Cleanse your skin with a specialized men’s skin cleanser for deeper effects. The meticulous ingredients for men’s skin can minimize oil production on man’s skin.