Smart Moves to Make When You Get a New Boss


For better or worse, getting a new boss can be stressful. You have somehow figured out how to work with your current manager. You know the patterns they follow, the time they take to respond to an email and how they describe urgency.

Nevertheless, working for someone new has its perk. It is a new opportunity and it will help you grow. To be able to build the same kind of connection yet again will definitely boost confidence and help you polish your skills.

Perhaps you are one of those people who did not really enjoy your boss and felt like they were holding you back. The new boss could be your much-awaited break.

Do the following things to get off on the right foot with the new boss.

Put your best foot forward


Perhaps by now, you have built a strong rapport with your current boss. Earlier when you met the current boss maybe you were a new hire and were focused on being your most impressive self. Now you are relaxed, you don’t have to read an email draft for five times before shooting send. You don’t sweat on being late as you know your boss will understand.

This is simply because you have built that credibility with the boss by impressing them with your professionalism in the beginning. You have to bring the same game back, stick by the rules of professionalism.

Pitch fresh ideas

Someone who takes up a managerial role from half way needs ways to keep the team moving forward. It gives you an opening to share your ideas and pitch innovations. Contribute for any scope of improvements and set up a meeting with your boss to brainstorm.

If you are not able to extract a new idea, try asking the new manager questions. Know their priorities and how they plan to build out.

Offer to help

You know how it is to be new to a company and you have experienced being a new addition to a team and had various doubts running in your mind. Similarly, the new boss is new to the company and the team and has many questions regarding the processes of the organization.

Use this opportunity to connect with your new manager. Offer to share your knowledge on the organization. Even the minor things around the corner of the office like how to operate a fussy printer. Or share your last interactions with the stakeholders. Keep an open communication with them and make it evident that you are happy to answer their doubts.