Russian Billionaire and Chelsea Football Club Owner Roman Abramovich Was Born Into Poverty Now His Net Worth Is $8.2 Billion


This is the success story of Roman Abramovich who is the 9th richest man in Russia and is 53rd richest man in the world with a net worth of $8.7 billion. Roman Abramovich had a childhood filled with hardships. He grew up in the deserted region of Komi in the Russian Arctic circle.

Abramovich was born in Lithuania and was orphaned at the age of 2. Abramovich’s Jewish parents died and he was raised by his grandparents. He served in the army after dropping out from two colleges. Later he came in Moscow being a right-hand man to Boris Berezovsky. Abramovich’s began his first business venture by selling plastic ducks from a Moscow apartment. Within few years he was able to own many oil conglomerates and number of pig farms.

He became a stakeholder in Sibneft which was Russia’s largest oil company. This was controlled by Berezovsky and later criminal investigation into fraud charges enforced him to exile in Britain. And while he languished in London, Abramovich kept acquiring strength by gaining space in the inner circle of President Yeltsin.

With his stakes in Sibneft, he was cashed in when the firm was bought by another Russian oil company and the deal supposed to have netted him about $1.8 billion. Abramovich is a zealous follower of international football and also has an ice hockey team.

In 1999, Vladimir Putin became Russia’s prime minister and within a year became the president meanwhile Abramovich himself entered politics. Abramovich is known to have spent fortunes on schools and housing as well as infrastructure.

Abramovich is popular for being media shy and secretive and he is perceived as a highly savvy businessman. The significant sources of his wealth are in oil, steel, and gold. He owns his stakes in UK’s Chelsea soccer team as well. His real estate portfolio is gigantic with jets, yachts, and paintings. He stands as an example of how the determination to change a situation can bring you close to what you want for your life.

(Photo Credit: Evening Standard, Metro UK, Global Take)