Richard Branson, The Owner of Virgin Groups, was Once a Dyslexic Kid and an Angry Introvert.


Richard Branson is the English business tycoon who owns Virgin group of companies. He is also a known investor and philanthropist.

Virgin groups control more than 400 companies ranging from Virgin Records, Virgin Telecom, Virgin Airways, Virgin Books and so much more. And today, his flamboyant personality is endorsed with a  net worth of 5 billion USD.

But there is no denying that this rich man was once a dyslexic kid.

Richard was born at Blackheath, London in a family of three siblings.

During his school, it was found that Branson had dyslexia. Because of that he was bad at academics and was an angry introvert.

On his last day at school, hi headmaster told him:

You would either end up in prison or become a millionaire. No middle settlement for you kid.

Richard went through a constant identity crisis because of his rough childhood. He was always stuck with his image of a neural patient until one day he thought to channelize it. He had an idea of starting records label.

Richard showed his intent to become an entrepreneur at a very early age.

In spite of the facts that his family was well to do and he had the family support, Richard did not want to take any help out of his family backdrop. He wanted to be a self-made man so he started his record business from the crypt of a church.

Branson interviewed several good names initially to do value addition to the label. He was desperate for the business to work and for that he ensured an aggressive marketing by advertising the brand in The Student and it became an overnight success.

Under the trade name “Virgin”, he sold his records for considerably lesser prices but made profits. The name was suggested by one his female employees because they were very new at business.

After earning some good amount of money from his record label, Branson in 1972 launched the record label Virgin Records.

Along with making an inter-industry spread out from telecom to airways, Ricahed later started Virgin start-ups, a loan giving and fund investing company for local start-ups. He also founded The Elders, a blood donors group to encourage blood safety.

This man has perhaps also inspired Ranveer Singh because his eccentric and informal sense of dressing is equally criticizable yet fascinating.

For instance, never wore a tie. And when questioned, this what he answered:

“I have been carrying out a lifelong campaign to say bye to the tie. I often carry a pair of scissors with me, ready to cut off the tie of any unsuspecting wearer. I find them restricting innovative ideas and well breathing. I mean see the Indians, Dhoti is so cool, and… airy! Good for business.”

Richard is now the fourth richest citizen of the UK.

This man is an apt example of how one can be flamboyant and yet rich.

Despite a rough childhood, his sheer will to be a self-made man, made him stand apart and fetch an identity of his own.

As he once said: