Motivational Story of the CEO Who Managed To Bounce Back From One of the Biggest FMCG Crisis in Decades


It is known to all that in the year 2015, Maggi was “clinically dead”. It was due to the detection of traces of monosodium glutamate (MSG) in it. However massive thanks to Suresh Narayanan CEO of Nestle who brought back the company to become the market leader yet again with a short span of 6 months.

Nestle India’s highest selling product Maggi was struck by a crisis that must have been the biggest challenge for Suresh Narayanan to have dealt with so far. According to him, it was team work, credibility, humility, and transparency that helped him and his team to overcome this major setback.

The team under the brand had launched over 30 new products after which the company observed a considerable double-digit growth. Nestle always had strong reputation and credibility in India making it an exceptional brand.

According to Narayanan India’s love for its beloved product, Maggi could be seen by its powerful comeback. Narayanan shows high gratitude towards his team and calls all those associated with Nestle products and his team members true heroes and heroines of the recovery.

He respects each of his team members irrespective of their status and it is an integral part of his value system. For him, the high point was when he saw the smiles back on the faces of his team members. It is more than three decades that he has been part of the FMCG industry and so knows how important consumer link is in business.

His dream as Nestle India’s CEO is to have a Nestle family that contributes to society, displays growth excellence as a proud corporate citizen enabling the best in what they do. Narayanan believed he can be a fairly successful leader at Nestle India if it is achievable with values such as honesty, ethics, humility, respect dedication and a strong sense of purpose.

Narayanan strongly believes in change and he will logically espouse the idea to his colleagues if he perceives logic and benefits for himself and his organization with change. He considers patience, humility, hard work, dedication, and transparency as crucial in persuading people and he tries to do his best.

(Photo Credit: Financial Express)