Grooming Essentials for Men You Need To Know In 2017


You need to have certain grooming essentials and in 2017 there are few that you should definitely know of. Trimming, shaving and exfoliating are things men have to do as part of grooming and there are some products that you really have to have to help you stay groomed and ignoring it can really make you look grizzly.

Here are the grooming essentials you need and the reasons why.

Ear and nose trimmer

If you choose to have the hairy look you need to take care of the pesky strands that are sticking out and looks unpleasant. So use the trimmer to get rid of what’s unwanted. You have focused on every single body part so that you are confident of being a well-groomed man.

Exfoliating scrub

Ask any girl, exfoliating is crucial she would say! It helps to prevent all sorts of skin problems. Clearing your pores out and getting rid of excess oil from the skin as well as dead skin cells are essential. Use an exfoliating scrub to improve your skin and later apply a little moisturizer to keep skin hydrated and feel fresh.

Under eye cream

With the trending routines of sleeping late and partying till the early morning, you have to take special care of what it does to your body and skin. Your eyes can get really baggy. What you need to do is to simply hydrate the area with the help of an under eye cream.

Eyebrow Groomer

At this age who wants to roam around with a unibrow? You need to make this grooming update and get yourself an eyebrow groomer.

Texturising spray

You have been using pomades, gels, and creams all your life however you need to update your grooming sessions here as well. Use of the texturizing spray and you may realize it’s the one thing you have been all this while. This will provide your hair with a whole lot of texture. The spray also prevents excessive shine so you look your absolute best.


It is really a high time you invest in some nongreasy, gel based sunscreen to protect your skin from tanning and all sorts of sun rays related issues.

Boar bristle brush

Sure this product needs looking after of its own as you need to regularly clean it but its benefits are more than its management. The brush helps you get rid of frizz, stimulating your scalp for hair growth and will gradually reduce the need of using plenty of styling products.

(Photo Credit: Pinterest, Amazon)