How to Get Your Coworkers to Appreciate You


You go to work to smash your to-do list. You want to get the best results out of a day and want everyone to recognize your efforts and contribution to the success of the company. It is quite natural for you to want people at your work to appreciate your work even if that means a quick high five.

But as much as you feel you deserve the recognition for your hard work, most of the times you do not automatically get a pat on your back from your colleagues. It must be frustrating for you but at the same time when you raise a hand for it, you actually end up annoying your coworkers.

Here are a few better ways to not annoy your coworkers but to get you the compliments that you most likely deserve.

Involve in shout-outs

So you don’t want to go and announce your success on completing every work. You may feel like you went an extra mile for a work, still, it is better not to go about announcing it. Instead, involve in careful shout-outs.

Be a team player and appreciate your team member’s work and accomplishments in public more often. Do it enough and never go over the top. This will more likely get people to give you back some shout-outs.


Probably you are asking the feedbacks from your colleagues in a wrong manner. You need a more humble approach and don’t want to just blurt out, “Hey, don’t you think I did awesomely?” You are not really receptive to getting any feedbacks and your colleagues can almost smell it and can tell you are trying to get out compliments.

You can go ahead and share a work that you are extremely proud of by saying, “I have a good feeling about this, but if you have a minute I would love for you to take a peek”. This will allow your coworkers to understand that you are confident about the work, but still open to their opinions. If the work is as bright as you think they will agree to you as well.

Hours spent at work

While you are working hard on a project and sit late at work, your colleagues with you are also spending extra hours on the work. You have been pushing hard to complete your tasks and just hope that someone just tells you that the work you are doing can wait till tomorrow.

For people to recognize the way you spend extra hours at work is for you to recognize how they spend a lot of time at the workplace. You need to make a genuine comment about how you have noticed their extra efforts and time at work. Sincerely empathize with them and it will make it hard for people to avoid the fact that you are working late as well.


Most of the time it is best to not focus much on how much people are stopping by to say thanks or appreciate your work. The main focus is for you to give your best and the appreciation will tag along. Maybe it will not be as often you think you need, but there will be.